Sep 30, 2017 | lguthrie | 2170 views
Face Off for Mental Health
joined St. Clair Child and Youth for a new program to highlight Mental Health
Awareness in Minor Hockey called Face Off for Mental Health.
November 18th was chosen as our day for Point Edward Minor Athletic Association to recognize Mental Health Awareness. We are asking all hockey players from Mite to Midget to tape their hockey sticks with green tape, for this day as well as the entire month of November.
PEMAA will be supplying a roll of Green HOWIES Hockey Tape for each hockey player in our system to promote this very important cause. To do this we have asked our friends at HOWIES Hockey Tape and Micor Source for Sports Sarnia Location if they could assist our organization with this initiative and not surprisingly they jumped over the boards to help their minor hockey teammates stomp out the stigma of Mental Health.
Beginning November 1st, we want to see that green tape everywhere! Let's blitz social media and share the message around mental health awareness. Talk, tweet, post, snap chat and share....let's make this momentum contagious!
PEMAA would like to extend a very HEARTFELT thank you to HOWIES Hockey Tape and Micor Sports Sarnia for their very Generous Donation and Amazing Community Hockey Spirit.
Pictured are Kevin Fines and Krystie Letang of Micor Sports with our Green HOWIES Hockey Tape.