We have finally been able to confirm dates that work for
pictures with both our Photographers, and our busy hockey schedules. Dates are listed below and will be done
during your practice time. Metcalfe is
extremely efficient at this, and generally gets through all the pictures in
record time.
For the IP (Tyke) thru Midget teams, the individual and team photo will be taken on the ice. For the Mite and Initiation group, the Individual photos will be taken off the ice. This is due to safety issues with the players not having helmets on for the photos. The group shot will be done on the ice. Coaches can choose what color jerseys to wear in the photos. Typically we have worn our home ones, but the red looks really good in the photos, so that can be your decision.
If for some reason, someone on your team cannot make it for their photo on the scheduled date; they can come on any of the other nights and have an individual photo taken. Just let the photographers know this prior to them taking the photo. They will take your photo and do their best to photo shop you in the team picture.
A copy of the order form will be uploaded to our website as soon as it is made available to us and paper copies will be handed out to the teams as soon as possible. ***UPDATE*** Here is a link to the Order Form
Order Form from Metcalfe
Atom –Monday, November 13
IP (Tyke) & Bantam – Tuesday, November 14
Novice, PeeWee & Midget – Thursday, November 16
Mite & Initiation – Sunday, November 26