Pre-School (4 year olds) - we have a full roster, but will
take a few names for our waitlist in case any spots open up.
Initiation (5 & 6 year olds) - we have room for six more 5 year old and four more 6 year olds. We can also put a few names for each age group on the waitlist in case spots open up. Please note, we cannot place a 5 year old in the 6 year old group. OMHA has to approve each roster and will not allow a player to be rostered outside of their age group.
Pre-Novice (7 year olds) – we have spots for two more players and a few names on our waitlist.
Novice (8 year olds) – we have spots for three more players as well as a few names on our waitlist.
Atom (9 & 10 year olds) – we have a full roster, but there is room for a few names on the waitlist.
PeeWee (11 & 12 year olds) – team is full and there are already three names on the waitlist. We can take two more names for the waitlist, but we do have a goalie position still available for this team.
Bantam (13 & 14 year olds) – we have a full roster but there is room for a few names on the waitlist.
Midget (15, 16 & 17 year olds) we have a full roster and a full waitlist for this team.