PEMAA Updates - AGM Follow-ups and Logo Information, News (Point Edward Minor Athletic Association)

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Jun 19, 2019 | Scott Compagnion | 1067 views
PEMAA Updates - AGM Follow-ups and Logo Information
PEMAA has some updates regarding the 2019 AGM and information regarding the PEMAA logo.

Dear PEMAA Membership,   

The Membership meeting scheduled for June 27th at the Sarnia Yacht Club has been post-poned and rescheduled to Tuesday, July 2nd at the Point Edward Community Hall. 

We apologize for the change in plans however, the Village of Point Edward is hosting a Canada Day celebration under the Bridge that same evening and we want our families to be able to participate in both occasions without having to choose between events.   

Please consider joining in the festivities under the Bridge on the 27th and joining us on the 2nd of July to provide your valuable input to our Facilitator – Bryan Boyle and your Board of Directors.   

We have been hard at work developing the proposed By-Laws and Rules of Operations.  During the meeting, you will be actively engaged in working in groups reviewing the documents and providing input and feedback to assist us in developing the final draft of both documents.  As Bryan mentioned at our AGM, you will have a final opportunity to review and vote on the documents at our 2020 AGM.   If you are unable to attend the meeting on July 2nd and wish to review the documents and provide your feedback in writing, the most recent versions of the documents will be available in draft format shortly after the July 2nd meeting.

*Please note: All Soccer games on June 27th will be cancelled due to the congestion/parking under the Bridge during the Canada Day Celebration. 

The LMLL AGM was Tuesday June 11th, stay tuned for an update around some important changes to the penalty structure – particularly for Pee-Wee to Midget Players.  

As you may have heard in the news recently, The City of Sarnia has been contacted by the Ontario Human Rights Commission about the use of Indigenous Themed logos (specifically – the Sarnia Braves). The Village of Point Edward was also contacted about the same issue (specifically – The Point Edward Blackhawks).  We are in the early stages of beginning conversation between the municipality, the Association.  We will be partnering and consulting the First Nation representatives in our community and working on developing a plan to address the OHRC concerns.  We will keep you in the loop as we make progress to this end.    

Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in PEMAA!  Our members and volunteers are our greatest assets! Any questions/concerns regarding any of the above information can be directed to Liz Page – through the website

Warm Regards, Liz      
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The Sarnia Sting is proud to announce the launch of the Sting Assists Community Fund. Sting Assists was built on best practices in sport and community philanthropy, with a made-in-Sarnia-Lambton approach. Our ongoing goal is to help people in need in our community and make the Sarnia Lambton area a better place to live for all. The fund collects donations through community outreach events such as golf tournaments, 50/50 draws, jersey raffles and various online auctions.