Sep 30, 2019 | Darryl Terpstra | 901 views
New Rules for 2019/20 season
The Lambton Middlesex Local League (LMLL) has implemented new hockey rules for the 2019-20 season to enhance player safety.
Please take a few moments to review the LMLL rules. The new section is called Standard of Play and contains 4 new rules:
10.1 - Accumulation of Penalty Minutes: A rule to promote safety for all players.
10.2 - Accumulation of Physical Foul Penalty Minutes: A rule to promote safety for all players.
10.3 - Recognition for Fair Play: A rule to identify and reward fair and safe play.
10.4 - Frequent Penalty Offenders: A rule to promote education with respect to safe play.
The LMLL board is confident the rules will have a positive effect on Hockey Canada's mission to develop life-long involvement in the game. Your cooperation in promoting the rules will be appreciated.
Please see attached document for all the rules:
The following are the penalties that accumulate toward Rule 10.2:
Body Checking
Checking From Behind
Head Contact