Oct 24, 2019 | Darryl Terpstra | 790 views
Annual Gender Diversity Chat
OMHA requires all teams to participate in an annual Gender Diversity chat.
Coaches/Benchstaff will be delivering those messages in the coming weeks. If you are uncomfortable having your player participate, please notify your team Manager. OMHA provides age appropriate video links for Coaches to use as a guide/resource. It is understood some individuals may not have confidence or a comfort level in the content of the discussions. To be clear, the discussion is to be centered on parents and players maintaining inclusivity and respect of all individuals and providing explanation of the dressing room policy as it relates to Gender Identity. If for whatever reason, a parent/player is not willing to attend, it is understood it will not be Associations responsibility to force them to do so.
Here is a link to the OMHA website for Gender Diversity if you wish to have a look for yourself at the Chat information:
OMHA - Gender Diversity
Here is a link to the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) Dressing Room Policy that the PEMAA follows:
OHF Dressing Room Policy