Dec 04, 2019 | Darryl Terpstra | 874 views
Spirit Day December 14,2019
Who's got Spirit!
Come on down to the Pt. Edward arena and cheer on your favorite team.
We encourage you to bring in a non perishable food item(s) for the poor. Place your item(s) under our Christmas tree (down by the cafeteria)!
Dec 14th 2019 is this years Spirit Day!
We have been hosting Spirit day for a few years now, and each year gets better and better.
We encourage all fans (Home and Away) to get in on the fun. Dress in your Spirit wear. Create a fun and exciting poster to hang up at the arena for all to view. Noise makers are also welcome.
Pizza and a drink will be provided to both Home and Away players (in the dressing room) following their hockey game.
First puck drop will be at 2:00 pm with the Pre-Novice team.
Rounding off the day will be the mighty Midget team at 7:30 PM.