Nov 30, 2021 | PEMAA | 362 views
Face Off For Mental Health - Presentation
November was the "kick off" for the Face Off For Mental Health
(FOFMH) campaign. In previous years, we have focused on the initiative for
the month of November however, since COVID, we have decided it would be wise to
maintain consistent messaging throughout the entire season.
Rolls of green tape are available from the coaching staff. We encourage our players to use it to tape their sticks.... the visual cue is a great conversation starter with the visiting team, officials and fans. One in Five players struggles with their mental health...that's roughly one player from each line. We tend not to focus on mental wellness until it's our own children who are impacted. We are trying to create space for the conversations, minimize the stigma and raise awareness around mental wellness. Please join us in our efforts. Below is a link to a power point presentation you can share with your players/families via email