This is to inform you of a change coming to the YRASP program. In the coming weeks, the YMCA of Southwestern Ontario will be transferring the program administration to the County of Lambton. Nothing changes for families in terms of still being able to access funding for programs. This change only means that rather than families contacting YMCA, they will instead be reaching out to the County of Lambton directly. Once a family contacts the County of Lambton, they will then be the ones processing approval letters that come to you.
The change for you means that effective January 1, 2023, all communication, and invoices will need to go to the County of Lambton. The new contact information is as follows.
Phone: 519-344-2062 ext 2201
With the change happening for the beginning of the new year, we are asking that all invoices are submitted to us no later than Dec. 16th, 2022. Please ensure that you have these to us by this date, so that we can process your payment before the transition of the program.
Attached is a new postcard that provides YRASP information, as well as the County of Lambton’s contact information. These are currently being printed and will be available for community distribution in the near future to help spread the word.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Nick Hext at [email protected] or Jackie Sanderson at
Thank you,
The YMCA of Southwestern Ontario