PEMAA Battle Under the Bridge U7 Jamboree 2025 (Point Edward Minor Athletic Association)

PEMAA Battle Under the Bridge U7 Jamboree 2025
Please complete the form in full and select Submit at the bottom to register your team. Please enter one entry per team (if you have two or more teams registering).
This form has a limit of 20 submissions. At the moment this page loaded, 20 submissions have been submitted. It is possible that not all submissions have been validated at this time, and more openings could become available. However, at this time no more submissions are permitted.

BH_Logo_SM.pngThank you for your application for "Battle Under the Bridge U7 Jamboree". 

Division: U7 HL/LL
Date: Sunday, March 16, 2025   
Entry Fee: $500.00
OMHA Sanction #:19230
Location: Point Edward Memorial Arena
210 Monk St. Point Edward

**Payment accepted by e-transfer or cheque:

E-Transfer (preferred payment): 
Email payment to: [email protected]
*Please include your Team name in the "notes" on the e-transfer.

Make payable to "PEMAA
Mail to: 908 Simpson Street
Point Edward, Ontario

**Teams will be registered in the order of "PAID" entry form received.
Confirmation will be emailed to you once full payment has been received.

Approved Travel Permits and Approved Rosters can be submitted to: [email protected] (no later than Feb 2, 2025) 

Please complete one entry per team (if you have two or more teams registering).

Team Information

Please enter your team's information:

This form has a limit of 20 submissions. At the moment this page loaded, 20 submissions have been submitted. It is possible that not all submissions have been validated at this time, and more openings could become available. However, at this time no more submissions are permitted.